Bahama Mama


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Bahama Mama. Just like the drink

Menthol cigarettes could contribute to health inequalities: in the USA they have been found to be disproportionately smoked by those with lower incomes,81718 those with a lower level of education,8 women,19 African Americans,2021 the LGBTQ+ community,2223 and young people.24
Menthol cigarettes are more commonly used by less-established or ‘novice’ smokers, and those who are experimenting with smoking.1824 Research shows that the tobacco industry has manipulated the menthol content of cigarettes to promote smoking initiation and sustain tobacco use.2526 Menthol was found to be key to industry strategy in Singapore, to both recruit and retain young smokers.27
I love fruity cocktails like the Bahama Mama. They're a summer staple in our house alongside classics like the Hurricane, Strawberry Daiquiris, and, of course, the amaretto sour.
They are fruity, refreshing, and go down easy.
Imagine coming home after a long day's work and having this beauty waiting? One sip and all the stresses of the day just melt away.
It is believed to have been invented by Oswald Greensalde who worked at the Nassau Beach Hotel.
He was inspired by Dottie Lee Anderson whose stage name was "Bahama Mama". She was a calypso dancer in Caribbean in the 1930s.

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60ml, 120ml, 500ml


0, 3, 6, 12, 18, 24

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